Man, we are deep into the summer here in Fresno! A long string of 100°+ days makes us really happy we have A/C in the taproom! So while the world is melting outside, we're cooking up new stuff for you to enjoy inside! So let's get to what's new!
Collaboration Beer with Crow and Wolf

A few weeks ago we partnered with our good friends at Crow and Wolf Brewing to brew a special ale to benefit Kicks for Kids, a non profit that provides shoes and school supplies to disadvantaged kids in Fresno. That beer just went on tap! So come on down, bring a pair of new shoes for the kids, and have a refreshing summer ale and know you're helping our community!
Trivia Night!
Tuesdays are Trivia Night with your host Tony from King Trivia! We kicked off our first one last night and it was really a lot of fun. It's free and really easy to play, you can play alone or with a team, and there's some great cash prizes. Join us every Tuesday at 7pm!
New Menu Items

We never stop coming up with new stuff to fill your belly! This month we introduced a special Fig Jam and Prosciutto pizza, just for the summer. It's sweet, it's salty, it hits all the right buttons. So good!
On the beer side, we just rolled out a new batch of the Punk Rock Red. Dark copper colored, malty, sweet, and very drinkable in this hot weather at only 5.2%.
The Wednesday Jam!
Lastly, I just wanted to remind you that every wednesday we have live music! We're rounding out July with the amazing piano man Nate Butler on the 20th, and then blues master Richie Blue on the 27th. So swing on out and grab a pint and catch some great musicians.
That's it folks, Hope you all have a fantastic rest of your July! See you at the pub!